Friday, May 16, 2014

Rackspace, SoftLayer, Internap, Peer1, Dyn - Where are you?

I'm sensing a trend, and it doesn't make any sense to me. Over the last 8 months I've reached out to Rackspace, SoftLayer, Internap, Peer1, Dyn (and a few others) and the sales process is non-existent. That's right. I fill out a form on their website, email or call and it appears to land in a black hole. Two of the aforementioned organizations eventually reached out to me after several weeks, and after providing details of the services we required, went dark. One of them added my email to a monthly email list (so I know they got it!) but nobody from their sales team reached out to me. The last two are current vendors of ours, so I reached out to our very own account executive to inquire about expanding, but apparently neither of them need any more business either because I have to follow-up with both of them to move the process along.

What gives? This is astonishing! In our organization we pride ourselves on getting back to people within minutes, and it really impresses them. But it shouldn't, really. I would think that any organization, especially those as large as the ones listed here, have a perfected sales process by now, which includes returning phone calls or emails in a timely manner in order to impress the customer, but apparently not. Perhaps they had the process perfected at one point in history which helped catapult them to the size they are now, but lost it along the way, I'm not certain.

Could this be an American problem? Are we too puffed up with our own success and pride to return phone calls? Have we stopped caring for our customers? For fun I filled out the web form for Tata Communications too, because we'd happily consider this Indian headquartered global transit provider for bandwidth too, but it's been about 3 weeks and they haven't emailed or called me either.

What's going on? Does anyone have any ideas?


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