Monday, May 26, 2014

Where is Arbor Networks?

Further to my post on May 16th, it seems Arbor Networks is joining the team. The "we don't need business" team, that is.  On April 30th I watched a webinar hosted by the Whir entitled "The Cloud is Under Seige; How Can I Protect it from DDoS Attacks". Ben Fischer, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Arbor Networks presented a lot of interesting statistics about DDoS attacks, and then some information about Arbor's products and how they can help detect and possibly mitigate these attacks.

First of all, Mr. Fischer is in the wrong career. While he knew the product, his "marketing" abilities were extremely lacking. Either he was having a very bad day due to allergies (and I have no idea if he suffers from them), or he just hates life. But his presentation was very cold and somewhat monotone. It sounded as if he simply did not want to be there and that there was no incentive for him to promote their product. He was simply going about "doing his job", and it was obvious he hates doing webinars.

All complaints about Mr. Fischer's presentation aside, I emailed him after the presentation asking for more information about their Peakflow Threat Management System because it appears to be a pretty slick solution that could benefit our organization quite nicely. We have a lot of data centers and DDoS is definitely an issue for our SaaS application. If management bought into the product, it has the potential to be a million dollar contract.

Well, needless to say, as I alluded to in my title, Arbor Networks joins the "we don't need business" team. Come Wednesday, 4 weeks time will have elapsed, and I haven't heard anything from them. This seems to be a growing trend. And yes, I did check my spam folder just in case, but I provided my phone number to Mr. Fischer too, FYI.


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